We’ve EVER seen...
You are unique and planning your quinceanera! Are the usual princess themes not for you? Your guests know you are unique, and they are expecting the unexpected. You are hoping to wow your guests with a theme they’ve never experienced before! No problem, Here you can find some unexpected quinceanera theme ideas.
SPORTS – Daddy’s little girl, tomboy at heart and your passion is sports. Make it your theme. Show off your athletic side! Wear your softball uniform for your surprise dance, have your florist incorporate soccer balls as your centerpieces (which will also make a perfect souvenir). Decorate your dessert table with your favorite sports props… Have your photo booth include only sport theme props.
ARTIST – You are an artist! Show your talents and incorporate your love for art at your party. Decorate an area with your favorite drawings. Take the time to create a backdrop for photos. Instead of a guest book use sketch pads and ask your guests to make a drawing! This will be super fun and a very unique and colorful party.
MUSIC – You were born for the love of music and have played the piano since you can remember. Have a black & white quinceanera! Incorporate music notes on your seating cards, invitations, and cake. Dance your father daughter dance to a song you composed and played (remember to pre recorded).
MOVIE – You are a movie geek & have a favorite, use that movie as your inspiration to create your theme. Hunger Games, Twilight, Wizard of OZ, Harry Potter or a more recent one La La Land! This is your quinceanera, get creative; be the producer, the director and the main ACTOR
SUPERHERO – If you could have a superpower for one day, during your quinceanera would be perfect! Whether it’s the Power Puff Girls, Wonder woman or Superman consider playing tribute to your favorite childhood superhero. This Theme will be SUPER.